HSV 2 is the sexual transmitted disease which cause by
virus. The disease infects the genital organs of human body. This kind of
herpes simple virus is transmitted in sexual contact from one person to
another. The physical appearance of the genital herpes is sore, rash or
blister. Those kinds of symptoms can be the media to spread the virus. Then,
people should be careful when see those. Touching is not allowed because it can
make the virus spread. The positive diagnose can be done from blood test or the
sample sore which tested.
The treatment for HSV 2 is not for curing. It happens
because the disease cannot be cure. The drug has not been found. The treatment
which uses antiviral medication is done to ease the pain and to decrease the
abnormal discharge. Besides that, it is also done to heal the sore quickly.
Genital herpes sufferers can use acyclovir,
famciclovir, and valacyclovir. Those drugs effectively are done in the first
stage of the disease.
The treatment, which is also available, is therapy. It is
done restrictively for herpes symptoms. This kind of therapy can help herpes
sufferers to reduce the transmission to sex partner. The therapy which is done
should be taken as daily treatment. Then, the sore of any kinds of symptoms can
be eased.